Setting Up Your Environment for Onyx

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The following sections will help set up an environment for you to program Onyx effectively.

VS Code Vim / Neovim Sublime text Emacs Language Server

(If you don't see your favorite editor here, consider making a issue!)

Visual Studio Code

VS Code Extension

Onyx has an official published extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace. Search "Onyx Programming Language" in the extensions panel or install from the marketplace.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps to install the extension from the VSIX file included in the Onyx distribution.

  1. Hit "Control+Shift+P" on Windows/Linux, or "Command+Shift+P" on MacOS.
  2. Search for and select "Extensions: Install from VSIX".
  3. Go to your ONYX_PATH and select the .vsix file in the misc folder.

  4. Restart VS Code.

This extension does have support for the onyx lsp, assuming that is setup.

Vim / NeoVim

Vim Plugin

Follow the instructions on the onyx.vim GitHub repo.

Note, that this extension currently does not setup the LSP. That must be done separately.

Sublime Text

Currently, Onyx does not have a published package on Sublime Text's Package Control, but like VS Code, you are able to install it manually.

In the misc folder of your installation, there is a file called onyx.sublime-syntax. Simply copy this into the Packages/User folder for Sublime Text. See more details here.


Currently, Onyx does not have a published package for Emacs.

However, in the misc folder, there is an Emacs Lisp file that provides an onyx-mode. You should be able to load it into your Emacs config and enable onyx-mode to get syntax highlighting.

Language Server

If you are unfamiliar, a Language Server abstracts the tooling and language specific functionality out of editors and into a reusable component. This way, it is easier to develop in-editor functionality across multiple editors, as the same work does not need to be replicated for each supported editor.

Installing the Language Server

On Linux, MacOS, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux, run the following commands.

# Clone the Onyx Language Server
git clone
cd onyx-lsp
# Make the install script executable
chmod +x ./
# Install the LSP (compiles and places the WASM file into $ONYX_PATH/tools)

On Windows, run the following commands.

REM Clone the Onyx Language Server
git clone
cd onyx-lsp
REM Install the LSP (compiles and places the WASM file into %ONYX_PATH%/tools)

Visual Studio Code

Installing the extension automatically enables the language server in VS Code.


To use the language server in NeoVim, you need to have the NeoVim lspconfig package installed.

Then, you need the following in your NeoVim configuration somewhere:

local lspconfig = require 'lspconfig'
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'

configs.onyx = {
    default_config = {
        cmd = { "onyx", "lsp" },
        filetypes = { "onyx" },
        root_dir = function(filename)
            local utils = require "lspconfig.util"
            return utils.search_ancestors(filename, function(path)
                if utils.path.is_file(utils.path.join(path, "onyx-lsp.kdl")) then
                    return path
        settings = {}

lspconfig.onyx.setup {
    on_attach = function(client)
        print("Onyx LSP started.")

Sublime Text

Install the LSP package, and add the following custom configuration. See more information on the LSP package docs.

  "clients": {
    "onyx": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": ["onyx", "lsp"],
      "selector": "source.onyx"
© 2020-2025 Brendan Hansen